Dominique Tucker

Dominique Tucker
Dominique is a mother to 3 great kiddos. Twin life is her life. It's like having free entertainment that you never asked for and you never know what to expect! She lives by her grandmother's motto..."A home is just for sleeping but the world is where you live." She loves traveling and finding new places to discover. She is a die hard foodie and is still on the hunt for the best pizza!!

My Favorite Family Summer Day-Cations

Summer is my favorite season! Summer also means traveling to my family!! A New Tradition A few years ago, I even started a tradition of a family day-cation!! As much as I love hotels, like most...

I Don’t Want Them Thinking I Have a Favorite

After your second child, the juggling begins. It’s funny how by the time we have our second, we feel we are an old pro this time. It’s no longer a new experience. Each Child But it...
mad little girl

GUILTY: I Threw Away My Child’s Artwork

Tough Decisions In every mother’s life at one point, we say enough is enough. That cute little memory box you so eagerly bought to store all your children’s artwork. It is now bursting at the...

Why is it… I Can’t Learn to Accept Help?

Being a single mom, we are naturally proud. We do everything and I mean everything by ourselves. The judgement. People whispering. Why does she have all those kids?Well note to self.  I didn’t dream...

I Don’t Feel Pressured to Make a New Year’s Resolution

Did you know only about 8% of people follow through on their New Year’s resolution? New Year's Resolution Guilt  After the holidays, that is when our guilt kicks in. We ate too much and spent too...

Let’s Value Our Younger People

If children are our future, then let’s put more trust in them. They Have Value Sometimes it seems we don’t value what our own children have to share with us or what they have to say....

That One Thing…I No Longer Regret As a Parent

For years I used to beat myself up. I used to be filled with so many regrets! The Missed Performance One Christmas I was not able to attend my twin daughters’ first preschool, Christmas performance. I...

Let’s Stop Trying to Make Kids Grow up too Fast

It seems like the world is in a hurry to make children grow up.  And many parents seem to be pushing their kids to be and act older. But can we just stop trying...

Smelling the Roses a Little Longer

One winter break my husband and I taught my two daughters how to ride bikes.   It was actually their Christmas present. Several years back I tried to teach them how to ride. It was...

Parenting Hacks for New Parents

The beauty of being a mom is that we all have our own style and technique when it comes to raising children. I’m sure every parent has said at one time or another I...