New Year, New You!

The Roman’s celebrated March 1st as the start of the New Year.  In fact, the original calendar year was only ten months.  The Latin roots are reflected in our last four months: Septem(seven), Octo(eight), Novem(nine), and Decem(ten).   Political purposes prompted the addition of January and February around 700 B.C.  However, it was not until 46 B.C, that Julius Caesar adopted a solar based calendar and marked January 1, as the start of the New Year.  Even then, until the mid-sixteenth century, many countries celebrated the New Year with the start of Spring and the Vernal Equinox.

The Vernal Equinox, an equilibrium of light and dark. A perfect reset to our daily routines.  The start of Spring brings the renewal of our mountain’s flowers and fauna.  New growth, new birth, and new hope. 

It is the perfect time to revisit the resolutions you self-mandated on January 1st and consider the goals essential to you to fulfill.  It is time to clear the path for completion and continued enrichment. These three steps will start your journey.

“Tell me what you want, what you really, really want!”-Spice Girls

What do you want?

It may seem like a simple question.  But often the answer is layered with the needs and requests of those around us and rarely reflect our personal desires.  That is important and admirable.  Our love and devotion to our families is essential for a healthy community.  However, without directing that same significance to ourselves, we lessen our positive productivity.  Feelings of neglect, resentment, depression, or anger begin infiltrating normal circumstances with a resulting erratic behavior. Take control.

Find a quiet place. Give yourself at least 15 minutes completely alone.

Reflect on who you are, and who you want to be.

  1. Think

    I like to put on a little light jazz music in the background. Music is an amazing mental motivator, just keep it light and bright.


Start with thinking about your happiest moments, activities, places, family, friends…  Now think about what makes you happy, invigorated, productive, and fulfilled.  Think about what you want.  What do these things have in common?  Is there one or a few things you want to do now?

  1. Visualize


Now, you have that focus!  Now, you know what you want.  Great Job!  Honestly, stopping and forcing yourself to choose you, is a tough step.  But you did it with ease!  Now, let us take the leap and compile a Self-Fulfillment Center.  A notebook will suffice. Write down on the cover what makes you happy.  You need to see it and remind yourself: I will take time for me.

Write down what goals you have set for your personal fulfillment.  What do they look like today, in a month, and in a year?  Draw a picture, make a list, collage.  The important step is to commit yourself to a specific goal or set of goals.  Imagine you have achieved your standard. How will it feel?  This is your: why.  Therefore, you are going to fulfill your mission; you are your purpose. 


  1. Plan

Wipe the sweat off your brow, the hard part is done.  Well sort of, let us make your purpose a reality.  Planning can be simple.  It is important to stick to a few main guidelines, be specific, be realistic, and make deadlines.  Do not think you have to jump off a ledge! It is often the smaller, quiet trek that can lead to the grandest of life adventures.   Use the resources you have and proactively seek out the ones you need.  Again, you are in control. 

This is your personal renewal Equinox.  Be proud of your accomplishments.  Make new plans and solutions, not excuses. Remember, setbacks are catalysts to innovation and inspire greatness. 

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Valerie Garbe
Valerie is a California native. A first generation American citizen from Polish and Dutch immigrants. Valerie enjoys investing time in her community. As the President of her daughter's, Paizley (8), school PTA , she advocates for better, more expansive and inclusive education. Valerie spends her days weeding and watering the school gardens, then planning and fundraising for student enrichment. Valerie has a degree in Political Science and a Minor in Theatre. A self professed nature girl, you can find Valerie with her nose to the ground searching for foliage and fossils. Her hobbies include painting, writing, reading, hiking, educating and DIYing herself through life.



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