Katie Walker
Korean Lunar New Year
If you’re like me, you may not have grown up celebrating Lunar New Year. In fact, this particular holiday may seem completely foreign.
You’re not alone.
What is Korean Lunar New Year and why is it...
Wintering Transitions
There are different ways we transition from season to season. Quite literally–Spring to Summer, Summer to Fall, Fall to Winter–But also in the practical ways we move throughout our weeks and days.
Transitions Are Tricky
School Feelings and Fall Vibes
Back to school schedules and fall vibes. Some of us are thrilled, some are terrified, and some are still processing how summer could have passed so quickly.
This year holds something new for my family—three...
Feel No Shame
Summer tans and summer schedules—It’s lovely and refreshing and sometimes difficult piecing together what a fun summer is going to look like while maintaining a healthy budget and mental stability.
Late nights, the battle over...
Your Summer Guide to K-Culture (Korean Shows, Books & Food)
Who could have known that in the last few years the world would be so intrigued by Korean culture. From wildly popular music groups such as BTS and Blackpink, to a rapid increase of...
Bad Korean Perms…And Other Ridiculous Things Our Parents Did to Us
We all have them.
A story. An experience. A ridiculous and slightly humorous memory that leaves us giggling today. Maybe we wish it could be erased from our consciousness for all eternity. Maybe it explains...
Presence Over Productivity
Being Present is Inconvenient
I sit with a friend over coffee. She’s had a tough week.
It’s 5:30 pm and quite honestly, the worst time of day for me to leave the family. It’s dinnertime, my...
Read With Us This Month!
Also known as Dr. Seuss day or Dr. Seuss’s birthday, National Read Across America Day encourages children and youth to embrace the joy of picking up a book and getting lost in the beauty...
Everything All The Time
I sit with a friend and we reflect on the last year.
We reflect on our jobs, our habits, our families, what went well and what could have gone better. We’ve found that the practice...
On Being Adopted
The amount my parents paid to adopt a little Korean baby almost 39 years ago.
“It was a lot of money back then,” my mom says.
“I was worth at least double,” I respond jokingly.
I move...