“Eat your vegetables”, we’ve been told ever since we were wee lads and lasses yet, many of us find them far from magically delicious. No, we don’t want to eat more greens!
How do we get our kids to gobble their greens when we’re struggling to model all of that “healthy lifestyle” (insert eyeroll) business that we try to uphold?
I feel ya, mama. That’s why I came up with these super simple and clever ways to eat more greens.
4 Clever Ways to Eat More Greens
Hide the color.
Does the color of green veggies make you or your littles want to gag? No problem. Pour your green drink in a colored cup with a lid and stainless steel straw. The greens will be out of sight, out of mind, and you might even save some sea life.
Another tip is to add a handful of spinach in your blended chocolate protein shake. You won’t see a difference in it’s color or flavor. This also works well with pesto sauce and any chocolate batter (brownie, muffin, pancake, etc.).
2. Mask the flavor.
Deliberately pair your greens with a flavor that will overpower the taste of your greens. Right away that cruel culprit, Kale, comes to mind. Why does he have to be so mean? Conquer kale with more palatable flavors such as citrus, mango or pineapple. Here’s a few recipes to give you a little inspiration. Whether blended in a smoothie or tossing together a fresh salad with a fruity vinaigrette, your taste buds will be none the wiser.
3. Sprinkle.
Just as any dessert is better with sprinkles on top, a few greens added to your entry will help level up your dish. Arugula on a pizza, spinach with your scrambled eggs, crumbled broccoli florets over rice, or chopped baby kale in your soup will make you feel like a green giant in your own right.
4. Take a shortcut.
Fight the urge to go full on crunchy granola mom by purchasing an expensive juicer if you know it’s likely to end up in the back of a kitchen cabinet. Aim a little lower by opting for a green powder drink mix.
There’s tons of superfood rich green powders on the market and if you’re not sure which one to get, ask for a little guidance or perhaps a sample at the nutrition store. My local favorite is SoCal Discount Nutrition Simi Valley.
If that’s still a tall order, consider grabbing a ready made green drink from a local juice bar. Replacing your afternoon Frappuccino with some tasty green beverage is a fabulous way to give your body a boost with nutrient dense fruits and vegetables. One noteworthy option is the “Alchemist” from SunLife Organics Thousand Oaks. It’s a blend of kale, cucumber, mint, mango, fennel, and more.
As you can see, with a minor effort, you can eat more greens and feel like a proud mama for setting a lasting example to your children. And that is worth more than any pot of gold.