“The simplest toy, one which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent.” — Sam Levenson
It goes without saying that grandparents are a special breed. Whether they’re connected by blood or just by love, they deserve recognition for the immense impact that they have on your little ones. National Grandparents Day is September 8, 2024 so why not reflect on the grandparents in your lives to prepare for such a special day?
I’ll start…
As a child, I was blessed with grandparents galore and I have fond memories of each and every one of them. They attended softball games, had sleepovers, came to birthday parties, and showed support at any other tiny event in my life that could have deserved recognition. Often, they travelled a few hours just to do these things… and the best part? They’re still around and making those trips! I’m so happy to have these people in my children’s lives; my grandparents have helped usher in a new generation and have done it beautifully. I’m a better person for having such amazing people in my life and I am forever grateful for that.
“Grandparents are there to help the child get into mischief they haven’t thought of yet.” — Gene Perret
An amazing part of becoming a parent was watching my children have those same relationships with their grandparents. I know for a fact that without my parents and in-laws, our lives would be crumbling. I recently went from being a stay-at-home mom to working full-time; this would absolutely not have been possible if we couldn’t rely on grandparents for help. They babysit, they cook, they offer advice, and they show my kiddos love and patience like no one else can. Does my dad teach my daughter ridiculous things that make her look a little silly? Absolutely! Does my son follow grandma around like a shadow and get in the way while she cooks? 100% yes. But that’s part of their special bond now and they are making memories to last a lifetime. I wouldn’t trade those loud, silly, and slightly chaotic moments for anything.
How to Celebrate?
Homemade cards, a phone call, or making a simple edible treat are some of the easiest ways to show grandparents that you care. Show your appreciation with a handprint keepsake, make them dinner, or even just frame a photo that you took of them with your little ones. I truly think one of the simplest things to do is show your appreciation for all that grandparents do; find what they love about spending time with your kids and focus on that. Do they garden together? Make a unique watering can. Baseball fans? Handprint on a ball or customize a baseball card with birth stats of your little one. Maybe they’re really into pedicures and a gift card to their favorite spa is the best option. Bottom line: give them a gift that reminds them of why they hold the special title that they do!
“If you’re lucky enough to still have grandparents, visit them, cherish them and celebrate them while you can.” — Regina Brett
So whether you call them Grandma & Grandpa, Nana & Bompa, Nonny & Poppy, or any other unique and loving name… celebrate them and wish them a Happy National Grandparents Day!