As we move into my favorite “-ember” months, we move into my favorite decorating seasons!  While the opportunity to decorate my front porch thrills me in any season, the “-ember” months give me the rare chance to use my favorite offbeat decorating tip: look up!

Look Up

SeptEMBER brings in the spooky season and by October it’s in full effect. Some of my favorite Halloween decorations are about hanging things up high.  Last year, I hung witch hats on fishing line from the ceiling throughout my entry way, appearing as if 10 invisible witches were gathered there to welcome you to the party when you walked in the front door.  This year I may bring in some floating candles as well to add an additional element of surprise in the night.

Holiday Seasons

As we move into the holiday season, NovEMBER and DecEMBER, I love to hang large ornaments and/or bells in my entryway ceiling to elevate my decor experience. It’s always a fun addition to have some height with color and glimmer to raise your gaze.  Some of you may have covered porches where you can use the same tactic.  If you are more “winter wonderland” than “silver bells”, as a theme, you can also hang large crystal snowflakes or icicles from on high to add a little icing to your overall decor.

Outside the Norm

Hanging lanterns and stars from ceilings, beams, and eaves gives an unexpected item to catch your eye throughout other seasons too.  When we decorate, the traditional: the pumpkin-covered fall porch, the Christmas tree and the colored lights, and the seasonal wreaths all add a sense of comfort in decoration.  But add in something outside of the norm, or something inside the norm, but at the next level- up, and you’ll see people’s eyes light up, because things are looking… up!

witch hats and spiders hanging in sky

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Gia Ilole
Gia is a native Californian who has lived all over the state from San Diego to Trinity County, plus Washington DC for a short time. She recently relocated to Ventura County with her family to build a compound property together with her sister’s family so that they could always share wardrobes and parenting responsibilities for their 5 combined children at home. Gia graduated from UCSB with a degree in Linguistics (which she thinks entitles her to make up words). It took her just three years, as she was eager to graduate early to go live with her long distance boyfriend and his toddler daughter at the time. That seemed to work out, as the boyfriend got promoted to husband years ago and her step-daughter promoted her to grandmother recently! Gia’s husband is from East Africa and runs their Bed and Breakfast in Tanzania from near and far. Gia is a Human Resources Director who has a major obsession with watermelon and eggnog lattes, depending on the season.


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