Tag: reading

One Page At A Time

There was a time in my life when I read all of the time. I would routinely finish a suspenseful paperback on a three...

Rescue Readers

During the week, our family usually feels like we’re caught up in the constant hustle and bustle of dance classes, homework and playdates, so...

Overbooked: June Book Recommendations

Looking for some book recommendations this June?  Check out what’s new and exciting on our bookshelves right now! FOR MOM:  Beach Read Written by Emily Henry "A romance...

30 Book & Movie Combos For Kids

Can you answer the age old question....do you read the book first or watch the movie first?!! Well, no matter  what your answer is, you...

9 Ways to Sneak More Books Into Your Kids’ Lives

I’m always looking for new ways to get books into my kids’ hands.  I look for ways to sneak more books into their day. Research...

When Your Child Struggles with Reading

Reading can open up the world to children.  Through reading they can travel to other countries, discover a new hobby or get lost in...

Boys vs Books:: The Struggle is Real

The Battle of Boys vs Books I have three kids-two boys and a little girl. My boys are 10 and 7, and my girl is...