The beauty of being a mom is that we all have our own style and technique when it comes to raising children. I’m sure every parent has said at one time or another I wish there was a manual on how to raise children. As parents we try our best. Sometimes we even try to seek out advice from other parents. We hope they can share some parenting hacks for new parents.

Parenting Hacks

One thing that all parents share a commonality of raising multiple children, is that they each have their own personalities. Which definitely makes for a more colorful rainbow. And just as much as children are different, we parent in different ways. But I hope some of these parenting hacks I figured out will help a new parent. Here are some things that have helped me to survive ‘parenthood’.

  1. LIVE OUTSIDE::  Ever since my girls were literally babies, we lived more outside than we did inside. I found it easier to entertain my twins by packing up a hefty diaper bag and hitting the mall, just to window shop and eat pretzels. The stimulation worked like a charm. When the spring and summer months arrived, we would keep ourselves absorbed in festivals and parks.

  2. POTTY TIME TIP::  With our love of being outside as much as possible, I ran into a problem with my girls who were newly potty trained. How can we go to festivals for hours on end and not have potty breaks? There was either a really long line of women and children waiting to use 2 or 3 stalls. Or there was that abysmal famous blue, Andy Gump. We have all been there with young children, when they need to go to the potty. They start bending their little knees in desperation and covering their pee pee parts that are screaming out to be released!! Well one day, I have no idea where I was by the way, but I was in a parking lot and I became fixated on this mother in the parking lot. Her trunk door was open but I couldn’t help but noticed this small child standing inside the trunk!! My eyes became big. I was trying not to pry but my curiosity got the best of me. Next the little girl sat down in the trunk. My head almost hit a tire on a jeep!! I continued to walk to my destination. Oh, my word!! The little girl was going potty!

    My inside voice screamed!! THIS IS BRILLIANT. When I got home, I immediately packed up my twin’s pink, Baby Bjorn potty chairs into my car. I felt so stupid because when we take dogs to go for a walk, we let them sprinkle their nature in the grass and keep it moving!! So now, no more anxiety when potty emergencies emerged. Let’s find a nice tree in the shade and go pee pee and dump it in the grass. Problem solved!!

    3. STORE TRICK:: Another parenting hack that has come in handy with new motherhood. Going to a store and our children premediating on buying their five-thousandth toy!! Years ago, I read in one of those parenting magazines to tell your child, “once you reach the cash register to tell the toy bye-bye”. A great way to get closure. I was totally skeptical. But 3 kids later, it worked like a charm!!

    4. BEST BOTTLE:: My last and final hack thing I learned as a young parent; Podee baby bottles. They are like hand-free baby devices!! No more being mommy shamed for propping a baby bottle to try and go run to the bathroom!! These have been around since the inception of the first mass produced, wireless, bluetooth earpiece.

    By the way I am not affiliated with this company. But I attest these are the best things ever made for a parent’s sanity!! A total lifesaver!! I discovered these bottles one day on what feels like my: 1,001 excursion to Babies R Us. A hands-free baby bottle. This should be in the first chapter on how to survive having multiples!! A mother can actually go in the kitchen and prepare dinner and feed her baby at the same time!! A dad could actually go use the bathroom in peace and your baby would still be peachy keen!! I have been surprised how many parents have not heard about these magical baby devices. But picture it. Similar to a baby pacifier with an attached nipple, connected to a baby bottle with a flexible tube. This precious device in my opinion is the next best thing to sliced bread!!

    Let’s Hear Your Best Hack

    I hope my “Mary Poppins” bag of young parenting hacks has come in handy for someone out there!! Please feel free to share your magical tricks for new parents that have young children!!


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