Back to school schedules and fall vibes. Some of us are thrilled, some are terrified, and some are still processing how summer could have passed so quickly.
This year holds something new for my family—three kids and three schools, with my husband and I working in education at two different locations as well. Packed on top of that are all the kids’ afternoon activities and another semester of coursework for me as I continue to chip away at that English degree.
My Fall Vibe? Send Help.
It’s fine.
And you know, it really is.
While I fill up my calendar with the busyness of a new year, I’m also keenly aware of the opportunity afforded me to be present in this new season.
Physically, yes. But head and heart too.
Can I be present while living through what feels like utter chaos, driving kids from one location to another, potentially spending more time in the car than at home? Can I be present when I’m lacking sleep, over-caffeinated, and have no idea what we’re eating for dinner? Can I be present when life continues on, but I’m still profoundly sad and grieving a huge loss I experienced this summer?
It’s perhaps more likely, however, there will be some days I’m proud of and other days where I’ll long for a redo.
The Truth?
Being present doesn’t mean we exist perfectly. It doesn’t mean that today has to be better than it was yesterday.
Being present is a reminder, not a burden. Whether our days feel blessed or hard or exhausting or free—we have the choice to make the most of our time today and try again tomorrow.
So in the thrill of back-to-school shopping.
In the disappointment of summer coming to a close.
In the joy of a set schedule and the grief of one too.
In the many ways a new season brings its own challenges and gifts…
…Present in our quiet moments.
…Present in our chaos.
…Present in all the things that vie for our attention.
But also, there’s always tomorrow.