If you’re like me, sometimes it’s really nice to hear how other moms engage in everyday conversations with their kids. Let’s normalize the mundane, horrifying, sweet, and truly embarrassing moments we all experience on this journey called motherhood.

Come on in friend. Permission to eavesdrop.

On Things I Said…

I thought today was Monday.

I guess staying up until 1am was a poor choice on my part.

I really appreciate your help today.

Hey, let’s not put cookie crumbs in your neck folds, okay?

I’m going to get a quick workout in.

Hey Siri, what’s Jimmy Fallon’s wife’s name?

You and I have very different definitions of a clean room.

I’m stopping to grab us coffee!

I have no idea when I last showered.

I’m so proud of you!

I’m concerned that I haven’t washed any of your underwear in a while.

Hey Siri, what are common signs for perimenopause?

How was your day today?

I need everyone to just chill out.

You’ve been through a lot and it’s okay to feel frustrated.

That is not okay, don’t hit your brother.

What did you just squirt into my eyeball?

Take two more bites and then you can be done.

I missed you.

Why do we have a dog that sheds so much?

Don’t forget to wash your hands!

Clothes don’t actually need to be folded, right?

I have no idea what we’re having for dinner tonight.

On Things I Needed To Hear…

You’re doing a great job.

I love you.

I totally understand.

It will be fine.

I feel the same way.

Want to come over?

It’s not the end of the world.

Your kids are going to be okay.

I’m bringing you dinner.

Girls night?

I’m so sorry, please forgive me.

Me too.

You’re a good mom.

You too? Me too…

What are some of the mundane, horrifying, sweet, and oddly embarrassing moments from your week? My guess is you’re not alone.

Woman listening

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Katie Walker
Katie was born in Seoul, S. Korea and adopted at the age of one to a sweet family in Ojai, CA. While growing up as an adoptee came with challenges, she is incredibly grateful for the gift of processing her experience through writing in hope of supporting and encouraging other adoptees and families thinking about adoption. In 2005 Katie married her best friend, Dave, and since then have had three kids - Layla (14), Eli (12) and Caleb (9). They’ve spent a lot of their family life pursuing higher education, traveling, and driving kids from one activity to another. In a normal week, you can find Katie knee deep in homework assignments, Bible study research, and catching up on all the K-Dramas - always a cup of iced coffee in hand. Reading literary fiction, walking the dog (audio book or podcast in!), and working in the garden are other ways she unwinds and stays sane. Oh, and sometimes she cooks and cleans, but now that her kids are older she benefits from their homemade pancakes and ability to wipe down a countertop.


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