February is a month surrounded in LOVE. Love seems to be everywhere! But what if we need to find our love again?


When I think of February, the first thing I think of is my kids. I wonder how I can show them I love them or have fun together. I always seem to have great aspirations of things that I am going to do to make these days special for my kids.

But this year, I got to thinking about another person that is pretty special in our household. My husband! Doesn’t he deserve to feel loved and appreciated this month and every month too? Yes, we are going to find love again!

Finding Your Love Again

You see, sometimes, I get so wrapped up in being a mom and what the kids need that I forget that very special person that I started this journey with in the very beginning. What if I used even a portion of that energy that I used at work each and every day, or the excitement of planning fun things to do with the kids, to invest in my relationship with my husband?

Now I get this last year has been far from normal. Maybe you have been working so much these past several months, you have barely enough energy to get up in the morning. Maybe finances are a little tighter in your household than usual due to downsizing or limited hours at your job. 

And here is another problem.

Where are you supposed to go to celebrate your husband or significant other when the world isn’t like it used to be? How can we celebrate this month of love without going out somewhere or what if you aren’t super creative or inventive in your relationship?

Being Comfortable

After 20 some years of marriage, it is super easy to get comfortable and not make a lot of effort in the relationship department. We are super comfortable and know what to expect with each other.  Isn’t that a good thing or maybe not?

This got me thinking.  What if we took this month to think outside of the box? What if I didn’t just do the expected, the usual card and candy, or flowers for Valentine’s Day this year? Maybe I would use all those Pinterest ideas to celebrate my husband first versus an afterthought? 

Ideas To Help You Find Your Love Again


Preparing a meal is always more fun with two.  Put the kids down early or in front of a movie and try a new recipe together.  Fix a meal for just the two of you. No Mac N Cheese or Dino Nuggets allowed! If you are a more competitive type, you can make it into a little friendly competition. Each of you pick 2-3 ingredients out of the refrigerator and then see who makes the best meal out of the two.


Cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie or Netflix series together. Something that is more than G rated or cartoon related. Be sure to cuddle up under a blanket together, as connection is everything, and you both make it through the entire movie without going to sleep.


I am a secret chocoholic with a not so secret sweet tooth! This one is right up my alley as you don’t have to be an amazing chef to make this happen. Grab some chocolate chips to melt and add some heavy whipping cream to begin your evening. You can do this with the microwave. Everyone has microwave skills! Have a tray or plate set up with cut up fruit, pretzels, marshmallows or whatever else you can imagine and let the evening begin.


Grab some take out coffee from your favorite place or save some cash and brew some up at home. Take your coffee, decaf, or hot chocolate to a quiet place and take some time to dream together. Life is so busy that I never take the time to stop and dream about what next week looks like, let alone what it might look like in 5 years or 10 years down the road together.  It is so fun to dream and plan for things you can do together as a couple and/or as a family.

Finding Love All Year

What if we implemented some of these ideas each month? Not just once a year in February?

Taking time to invest in your marriage or relationship is not only a win for you and your husband, but also for your kids. You are setting the standard as your kids watch you to make your marriage a priority. 

Plus, one day your kids will be grown up and starting their own families and it will just be you and your husband again.

You will once again be back to the beginning where it all began, with just the two of you, so make sure you remember what first brought the two of you together.

These are just a few ideas to get you started.

What do you and your significant other do together to connect? I would love to hear some of your ideas! Share your ideas with us so we learn from each other. Can’t wait to hear them!


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Laura Miller
Laura was born in California and hasn’t moved far since, a true California girl at heart. She and her husband John have been happily married for 25 years. They are blessed with two amazing daughters, Allison (20) is attending college locally and is studying to become a Nurse and Kristina (16) is finishing her Junior year of High School and already dreaming big dreams. Their last member of the family is a 10-year-old Yorkshire Terrier, Stewie. He is the attempt to help balance out the female hormones and not sure that worked out for her husband. Each day, Laura and John strive to support each other and hopefully not mess up too badly as they raise their girls in this crazy world.


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