Our little family is mixed. Plain and simple.

Our little family is full of love. Plain and simple.

Our little family understands that everyone is different. Plain and simple.

Our little family believes that we should always be kind. Plain and simple.

As They Grow…

As our kids grow, I know that they will experience the not so pretty things life will throw at them.

As our kids grow, I know that they will see others experience the not so pretty things life will throw at them.

As our kids grow, I know and I trust that our guidance and teachings will help them stand up against unkind comments, unkind people, unkind situations.

As our kids grow, I know and I trust that our guidance and teachings will help them stand up and help those facing unkind comments, unkind people, unkind situations.


Even though our kids are young we don’t shy away from having age-appropriate conversations with them. One of the many subjects we have talked about is race. They know their dad is white, they know their mom is not. They know that their mom’s heritage is the reason why they are mixed.

They know that other kids their age face unkind comments due to the color of their skin. They know that other kids their age face situations where others are hateful and mean due to the color of their skin.

Plain and Simple

Our little family is full of love. Plain and simple.

Our little family understands that everyone is different. Plain and simple.

Our little family knows that even though we are all different, we all bleed red. Plain and simple.

VCMC Writer:: Daniella Horne

(c) by EpicStockMedia via Canva.com


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