Guest Writer
No Tricks, All Treats- 4 Last Minute Halloween Costumes
The Last-Minute Mummy
I have a confession: I typically plan my Halloween costume either the day of, or a couple of hours before show time. EEEEK! I know, so bad!
But can we just all agree...
Books to Read For Bullying Prevention Awareness Month
Do It With Kindness
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. The time to empower our children to stand up against bullying by challenging hate with kindness-is now. The amount of constant turmoil our world has...
Central Coast Getaway – Your Family Itinerary
My small family of 3 recently went on a 2-night getaway to the central coast. We had such an amazing time that I wanted to share our adventure with VCMC readers!
Our Hotel
My husband typically...
To the Mom Heading Back to School
To the mom heading back to school:
Wow, did you ever think this day would come? After years and years of raising babies and making a house a home you are finally here.
You have sacrificed...
Hot Mom Summer Reads
Summertime is here and I know most of us are hoping we get to add more great books to our summer reading list. Ah, to read outdoors while the waves crash on the shore,...
The Importance of One-On-One Time With Your Kids
Does life as a mom ever get so busy that you forget the importance of connecting with your kids? Or maybe it’s not even that busy but you’re so focused on your own life...
Redefining Value in Motherhood
It’s been 1 year and almost 2 months to the day that I stopped “working”. I put working in quotes here, because when I say working I mean the traditional idea of what we...
Improve Your Marriage By Shifting Your Mindset
My husband and I have been married for almost 12 years now. I’m so grateful that we’ve managed to pass the “seven-year-itch,” but I’m not going to lie. Marriage is hard.
The Honeymoon Phase
In the...
Celebrating 4th of July with Children with Sensory Issues
The 4th of July is coming up and will be filled with bbq's, family gatherings, parties and so much yummy food. And as the sun sets and the day comes to an end, the...
Our Little Family is Mixed
Our little family is mixed. Plain and simple.
Our little family is full of love. Plain and simple.
Our little family understands that everyone is different. Plain and simple.
Our little family believes that we should always...