The postnatal period is such a delicate, special time, but certainly comes with its challenges for moms…am I right?!!! Right after birthing babies, mothers are immediately “on” and adapting to their new role and identity. We are learning to bond with the baby, trying to eat enough and hydrate, dealing with sleep deprivation, trying to balance returning to work with caring for a newborn, partner, and other kids at home. It’s a LOT!!! New mamas are challenged with all of these overwhelming changes all while healing from pregnancy and childbirth.
Mama Needs Nurturing Too
New moms are inundated with caring for their newborn 24/7 between the feedings, diaper changes, laundry, and all the other responsibilities moms take on at home. Rest and time to recover is ESSENTIAL, but unfortunately both commonly become a luxury! There’s a very good reason for the saying “it takes a village” to raise a family. Why not use the resources we have available within our community to really nurture these mothers and help ease the burden of the postpartum period?!
At the time I had my son 7 years ago, I didn’t have my family local, many of my closest friends at the time also lived in St. Louis, and I hadn’t yet had a community established for myself here in Thousand Oaks at that point. I can tell you that I felt really isolated, at times overwhelmed, as I had very little help in those first few months after Venice was born. Now that I’m pregnant with my second, I have some friends and family asking me about a baby registry. If you know me at all, I’ve been on a journey to minimize, declutter and simplify over the past couple years… I’ve got all the basics for the new baby, and they really don’t need much other than love, diapers and milk! What I REALLY need, and what I believe most mama’s could truly benefit from once that baby comes are SERVICES that will free up more time, provide an opportunity for rest, aid in the recovery process, and help reduce a bit of the household burden and overwhelm.
More Service-Based Gifts – Less Stuff!
Most pregnant and post-natal moms, especially those of us who are on our second, third etc. baby, have enough stuff for the baby already. In reality, we probably have TOO MUCH stuff! So much focus and attention is dedicated to the cute new cuddly baby, but mama needs just as much if not MORE support and love after that baby arrives! Instead of more onesies and swaddle blankets, consider giving the gift of self-care or services to the mama who very much needs to also be nurtured after the baby is born.
Let’s dive into how we can do better as a society in supporting postnatal mamas and their families physically, emotionally, & spiritually. I’m thinking mama needs a postnatal self-care registry just as much if not MORE than a baby registry. How can we support new moms and also support local businesses that have services designed to make things easier, more efficient and even support healing for new moms?
Mom-centric Gift Ideas
Here are some ideas on how we can holistically support and nurture new mamas that don’t involve stuff and also don’t revolve only around the baby – even though the baby will certainly benefit.
Gift Cards
Buy them gift cards to their favorite local spots and support local businesses so they have an extra reason to to a break and grab breakfast at their favorite cafe, stock up on some soup for easy meals, grab a nutritious smoothie that they can sip while breastfeeding, or treat themselves some much needed self-care with a massage.
Cleaning Service
Who has time to clean the toilets and scrub the shower with a newborn? Why not help mama save hours of time with paying to have her house cleaned? Generous gift, yes! And if it’s not in your budget to hire a cleaning service for the new mama in your life, you could always offer to take some of the load off my switching over the laundry, emptying the dishwasher or running the vacuum when you come to visit. This is something to coordinate with the partner because if you ask “supermom”, she will probably just refuse and insist that she can do it all herself. But she will surely appreciate a clean home!
Most mamas are SO busy with frequent feedings of the new baby, they may not take the time to cook for themselves and the rest of their family, especially in those early weeks. How about gifting her a DoorDash or UberEats meal?
Meal Delivery Services
Prepared food delivery services are another great idea (Sakara, Thistle, Daily Harvest, etc. ! and can help ensure that mama not only has a tasty, nutrient-dense, ready-to-eat meal that requires no prep on hand, but also can help ensure she’s getting the nutrition she needs to replenish depleted nutrients from pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Fitness Classes
Gift certificates for mommy and me yoga or fit-for-moms workout classes. Or even a monthly membership to class-pass, where mama can try out a few different classes designed for postnatal physical activity.
Coaching, Therapy, or Consulting Services
The stress that comes with the physical, mental, and emotional changes of motherhood can be overwhelming. If you know the new mama in your life is struggling, consider gifting her coaching, therapy sessions, or sleep consulting for education and transitions in caring for an infant, parenting, sleep, nutrition, etc. and working through all of the feelings associated with this fragile time in her life.
A nanny service could be super helpful to free up a few hours for new mamas to run errands, take a workout class, take a shower, or even just to get a break and take a nap. If a nanny is not in your budget, her go-to sitter isn’t available, or you’re worried that mama won’t want a stranger in her home, you can volunteer to Nanny for the day, or even just a couple hours for mama to have a break.
Postpartum Doula or Night Nurse
Chipping in with a couple friends or family members to help pay for a postpartum doula or night nurse to help mama get the support she needs and/or the sleep she’s been lacking can be such an invaluable service to gift. If she’s already working with a birth Doula, you could offer to continue the service into postpartum or offer to pay for an additional month or two of support.
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, or Chiropractic
A gift certificate for pelvic floor therapy, acupuncture, or chiropractic work to help with the physical birth trauma and healing for mama is another idea to consider. Any of these services can be very helpful in getting the body back into balance after delivering the baby.
Lactation Consultant
For mamas who choose to breastfeed, but are struggling with pain, difficulty latching, etc., setting them up with a lactation specialist who can help educate and support her may be much appreciated.
Siblings Support
Some siblings are NOT excited about being a big brother or sister and may be having a hard time with the transition. Mama might need a break from any siblings that may be expressing strong feelings through tantrums or other challenges that come with trying to adjust to the newest family member. And big brother or sister could probably use some undivided attention. Offering to do a special activity with the other kid(s) for a bit, schedule a playdate with your kids to get big bro or big sis out of the house, take them for a walk, or out for a treat is a gift that the whole family would appreciate.
Happy and Loved
Whether you are an expectant mama, a new mama, or you know someone who will be having a baby soon, let’s be the generation that prioritizes care and support for MAMA in postpartum recovery. Let’s start normalizing how vital it is for mom to care for herself first instead of putting herself last! When Mom is happy, rested, nourished, and loved, the whole family benefits!