A strange thought occurred to me today. A thought only a mom would have…”I no longer count poop days.” As I yelled down the hallway at one of my children to let their brother go to the bathroom in peace, it occured to me I haven’t the foggiest idea when was the last time my child had pooped. WOW! I am at such a different stage in parenting now.
Ok laugh! But you know when you have a newborn you count and mark and calendar the days your sweet baby poops. When my children were babies, I could tell you in an instant how many days (sometimes how many hours) it had been since their last poop. And I probably could have told you what type it was. Gross! But so true!
Stages Change
Sometimes as moms we don’t realize how our journey in motherhood has changed until one day we realize we are at a different stage. When we are deep in one stage, we are consumed by it.
Knowing exactly how many ounces our baby ate.
Counting the hours of sleep.
Marking and calculating weight gain.
Noting the hours spent on a screen.
The seasons change, the worry is different, but one thing never changes. We love our kids, we worry about them and we want the best.
Once a Mom, Always a Mom
We will always be their mother. We will continue to count, know and watch our kids as they grow. There will be a time we will look back at a season and realize how much has changed. We will laugh at the things that caused us to be anxious and we will miss some of those sweet moments.
Sweet mama, you won’t be counting poop days forever but forever you will love your child!