Stephanie Schramm
One Page At A Time
There was a time in my life when I read all of the time. I would routinely finish a suspenseful paperback on a three hour flight. Reading in bed, the bathtub, and the car...
The B-Word
As the person who does 95% of our food shopping in my household, I cannot get over the cost of food right now. At the beginning of the pandemic, I regularly spent approximately $200...
A 30 Day Challenge
Kale Anyone?
When I write about a 30 Day Challenge, most of you are probably thinking of protein shakes, 6 a.m. runs and kale. Nope, I already told you that I am not a hiker...
We Don’t Get Mad About Accidents
House Rule
We have a rule in our house...we don't get mad about accidents.
Sometimes this rule is so hard to keep. Sometimes this rule is the last thing I want to follow. Especially when a...
Sunburst Railbikes: Finally! A Date To Remember
Last Saturday my husband and I experienced for the first time the Sunburst Railbikes. I was looking forward to enjoying the raibikes, but also finally getting some time to spend with my husband.
Confession Time
Mom Tricks I Swear By
Being a mom is honestly incredibly rewarding but it can also be very challenging at times. I try to glean information every chance I get. This is one of the reasons why I love...
Make Memories
I recently read an article about a mom who was at the beach with her kids. She had spent many summers at this beach and knew some of the locals. A woman that was...
Words Matter
I have always loved words. They have the power to destroy but they also have the power to uplift. How we speak to each other and how we speak to our children can have...
The Best Kind of Surprise
Publishers Clearing House Anyone?
I love surprising people. If I could figure out how to make a living from it, I would do it in a heartbeat. So far I have come up with being...
The Thief of Joy
A Little Jealous, A lot Less Joy
As I scrolled through social media the day after Valentine's Day, I saw a post that made me stop. My friend posted a picture of her Valentine's Day...