Winter is here and with it we enjoy many wonderful holidays and cozy traditions. But winter can also mean more sickness and health problems. There are ways to help keep you healthy during the winter though.
9 Ways to Keep Healthy During the Winter
Any health-related information offered is solely for educational purposes and home remedies and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent illness or disease. If you are concerned about your health, always seek the advice of your medical professional.
Break out your humidifier and oils.
I ordered my oils from a girlfriend and let me tell you, frankincense, lavender, peace and calming, and release are my absolute favorites. I have also gone through two bottles of RV while my kids have been under the weather. I really can’t say enough great things about quality essential oils. Do your research mamas on ethically grown or sourced everything.
Eat seasonal meals.
There is something so delicious and fresh about a salad in the summer, however eating seasonally shouldn’t be overlooked. Eating warm, downhome meals is sometimes what our bodies need right now. Head to your local farms and farmer markets, see what is growing this month and plan your meals around that.
Step outside.
Simple enough. Make the time to get outside in the fresh air at least once a day.
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Stay Social but without too many commitments.
Your mental health is so much more important than hibernating completely or overbooking yourself. Call your friend, text that person who has been on your mind. Make your check- ins. For me, it is so easy to be lost in my day to day that I actually have to remind myself that 10 days just passed, and I haven’t checked in on my own mother to see how she is doing. It’s never that I don’t want to, it’s always just that one day turns into five days and it blends into 10! Sometimes I will even set a reminder, or I will find a sticky note on my desk that says, “look at your text messages!”
Vitamins and supplements.
Yes, they need to make a comeback in your routine. Make Vitamin D and Magnesium your best friends again. Magnesium is the holy grail to me sleeping without actually sleeping through the night. I also call Vitamin D my bottle of happiness, it literally makes my insides happy. I think one of the best things my husband and I did was head to a chiropractor that specializes in homeopathic remedies. She ran tests to see what we were needing and what we were depleted in. It was such a wonderful gift to us to be that much more aware and healthier for ourselves and our family.
Limit Your Stress.
That’s one all women across the world laugh at, especially during the holidays. It’s so important that we don’t pass on our generational traumas or unexplainable stresses the holidays bring on to our children. If you are hosting a holiday, make a list of everything that needs to get done in advance. Split it up! I hosted an early Thanksgiving with my husband’s family and asked everyone to contribute. Delegate, delegate, delegate. It ended up being such a wonderful, less chaotic day. Start your shopping early and stick to your budget this year. The one piece of advice I am still working on (from my husband) is it doesn’t have to be magazine worthy. Just let that part go, no one is looking at your baseboards and if they are… you’re not the one with the issues.
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Immune Systems.
Boost your immune system with elderberries and garlic, two separate, but powerful home remedies. Both are so easy to make on your own, not to mention it will be cheaper.
Dried Elderberries can be bought from a reliable company on amazon or find some homegrown by your neighbor close by. Reach out on your local facebook gardening groups.
Here is the recipe: To make two cups of syrup: ½ cup of dried organic elderberries 2 cups of water 1 cup of raw honey 1 organic cinnamon stick 5 organic cloves 1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger. Juice from a whole lemon. Place your berries, water, and spices in a saucepan. Bring it to a boil for 20-30 mins, until liquid is reduced by one half. Strain the mixture into a bowl, squishing juice out of the berries. Stir in honey. Allow to cool and store it in sealed jars in the refrigerator.
Garlic is often referred to as “Mother Nature’s Underground Pharmacy”. Keep garlic oil on hand at all times because it has super strength to help fight infections, especially ear infections. Just add a couple drops in both ears. Another powerful remedy is soaking your garlic in honey. Boost your immune system, help your digestion, support healthy blood pressure levels, maintain healthy cholesterol levels, fight cold and flu symptoms, and help detox your body.
Here is the recipe: 1 cup of whole garlic cloves (slightly bruised or crushed, not too much though) 1 cup of raw honey. Peel garlic cloves and crush slightly. Put them into a pint-sized mason jar. Add some ginger, turmeric, pepper if you feel the need, cinnamon and completely cover the garlic with honey. Cover with a lid and store it in a dark, cool place. After a few days, flip it upside down. A few days later, flip the jar again and loosen the lid to release pressure from fermenting. Repeat for one month. They can keep well for a few months but shouldn’t even last that long if you eat them often enough.
Mental Health.
Studies have shown that about 73% of the world’s total population suffers from mental health. From anxiety, memory loss, depression, lack of concentration, panic attacks, and so much more. Unhealthy work-life balances, unhealthy lifestyles, health issues, it all is attacking your body from the inside out. We should have problems and then find solutions rather than my personal favorite, shove the problems literally into a closet until the door swings open and everything tumbles out. Ways I take control of my own mental health on a daily basis. I get outside and practice grounding myself. I let go of things I can’t control. I move my body and exercise. I drink my water. I should sleep more but I have too many little kids so that’s literally not an option during this season of life, and that’s ok! It is ok because I practice all the other things daily. I do not care about what people think, and if I do. I give myself a certain amount of complaining venting time and when it’s up, I get over it. Know that your happiness is your own responsibility. Happiness doesn’t just come to you, it’s something you choose for yourself.
Here are some simple ways I like to practice gratitude.
Early wakeups = children to love.
House to clean = A safe place to live.
Dirty dishes = food to eat.
Grocery shopping = money to spend.
Toilets to clean = indoor plumbing.
Lots of noise = kids making memories.
Endless questions = kids who are learning.
Tired and sore = I’m still alive.
Put down your phone and just reconnect/sit with yourself for a little bit. Take a drive in silence to the grocery store, listen to your own heartbeat. Take a long shower, blow dry your hair, put on some makeup. You deserve to feel great. Give yourself grace. Learn a new skill, practice gratitude. Caring for yourself is so important. Us moms tend to eat the crust of sandwiches like it’s the only thing we need to survive on, those days need to end. Turn on the tea kettle, make yourself tea with honey and get a list of your goals on paper. Start with the short term, move to the long term. Read it daily and make sure you are making the moves to get to where you want to be. Never stop working towards them.