Tag: love
Love Letter to the Overwhelmed Mom
Beloved Burnt Out Mom,
I saw you walk into the kitchen with your messy bun, stained pajamas, and bags under your eyes. I am overcome...
Dear Hubby…I Still Want to Know You.
A few nights ago, my husband burst through the door in a frenzy of excitement. He carried in several aluminum trays with leftover food...
Overbooked: February Book Recommendations
Love is in the air!
Overbooked: February Book Recommendations
The Five Love Languages
Written by Gary Chapman
Do you know your love language? What better way to...
Dear Hubby: I Forgot Why I Love You
Sweet hubby, I used to send you love letters! All the time.
It was so fun to tell you all the reasons I loved you...
“But You’re Not Skinny”
As someone who spent most of her life overweight, I’ve heard many, many rude comments regarding my appearance.
“You’re so pretty. If only you would...
Finding Your Love Again
February is a month surrounded in LOVE. Love seems to be everywhere! But what if we need to find our love again?
When I think...