Life is so busy sometimes.  We have so much to do, such limited time.  Sometimes, while commuting or showering, I let my brain relax only to have things pop up that I forgot, one after the other. Here Come the...
When was the last time you sat across from a friend over a good cup of coffee and got lost in conversation?  Or have you laughed so hard with another person you had to hold your stomach? When is...
Woman Talking On the telephone

Call Me…Maybe?

I miss my friends! I miss going out together. I miss laughing over funny stories, shenanigans that our kids have done throughout the years, sharing our heartache and struggles in marriage or parenting! I miss just being me! The...
I See You I see you taking my daughter for six and a half hours a day inside the four walls of a classroom covered in each child’s colorful, miraculous art. It is a room you created and made with...
Gluten Free! It has been a hot topic over the last couple of years.  Rather you are newly diagnosed Celiac or love someone who needs to eat gluten free, it can be tricky finding a safe place to eat with...
Did you know only about 8% of people follow through on their New Year’s resolution? New Year's Resolution Guilt  After the holidays, that is when our guilt kicks in. We ate too much and spent too much. Bikini season is only...
Finding your own Traditions are special experiences you share as a family through the years. Some may have special meaning or some are just plain silly or even corny! There is no right or wrong holiday tradition, it is something...
It’s no secret I love to travel. My goal is to see all 50 USA states and much more of the world. While I love all of the “usual” reasons to travel (new scenery, culture, food), it’s also a...
Remember those quizzes we used to take in Teen Magazine or YM?  The ones that it became really apparent "what kind of flirt" you are or "which Babysitter's Club member" you are... when you started piling up a  bunch of...
The holidays are an exhausting time to be a mother. This will be my seventh Christmas as a mom, and inevitably, it’ll be the seventh year in a row that I find myself saying throughout December, “There’s gotta be...

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In + Around Ventura County

Family Events + Fun Things to do With Kids in Ventura...

May is HERE and it is teasing us with school being out and long summer days! Although we are not quite to summer, we...