You can keep it. You can keep the new kitchen appliance, fluffy bathrobe, cashmere sweater, eau de toilette or designer anything.
I appreciate the kind gesture and sentiment, but I would rather receive the kinds of gifts that you won’t find in a Black Friday ad. They’re the type that you can’t wrap in a box or receive from anyone in exchange for momentary happiness either.
No, I want the good stuff. As much as I love a good present and I’m guessing you do, too. I’m suggesting giving yourself the most priceless intangible gifts that I can think of in order to truly illuminate this holiday.
Give Yourself Fun
When was the last time that you had some real knock your socks off fun? The kind where you laughed so hard that your postpartum body nearly dribbled pee and you felt like a kid again?
I propose discovering or rediscovering things that make your heart sing with glee. Take a day trip to a special place, dance, skate, stick your feet in the sand, take voice lessons, get your craft on, or whatever tickles you pink. But actually do it!
Give Yourself Connection
I believe that the reason we’re on this planet is to connect with others and build relationships. We’re not meant to keep to ourselves. Give yourself the gift of time with people that enhance your life.
This can be an old friend, relative or someone you’ve been intending to grab coffee with, but just haven’t gotten around to it. Whether in person, telephone, or online, conversations with people who matter can touch your hearts and create lasting memories.
So call your old high school friend and listen to another one of your aunt Linda’s stories. You’ll be so glad to have soothed your heart with the sound of their voices.
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Give Yourself Pleasure
I’m not talking about Janet Jackson’s principle of pleasure here. Well, yes and no. I’m referring to taking the time to do something indulgent. This is very personal. Everyone’s got their thing.
Think of something that perhaps feels so good that you would rather experience it slowly and with your eyes closed. Something that stimulates your senses. This could be anything from having a piece of decadent chocolate cake to a hot bath or healthy sexual experience.
The key is to have some intentionality surrounding the activity at hand and being present in the moment, so that you feel truly alive. I want you to end it thinking, “Boy, that was good!”
Give Yourself A Challenge
Allow me to explain. Challenges can be a very good thing in our lives. The things that we do that stretch us cause us to grow, build our character and increase our confidence. Is there a goal you’ve had in mind that you’ve been too chicken to attempt to grasp?
Do your future self a monumental favor and go for it. Sign up for the race. Agree to that thing you keep saying no to even though others see the potential in you. Begin to learn a new skill or a language. But do it!
Root for yourself the way that you root for your kids and tell them that they are capable of doing anything that they set their minds to. Fewer things in life make us feel better than making ourselves proud. What a beautiful gift.
Give Yourself Love
Do you love yourself? A few ways that you can demonstrate love to yourself are by caring for your body, accepting your imperfection, and having healthy boundaries in your relationships. Loving yourself is bigger than spa days and telling yourself that you are beautiful.
Loving yourself involves honoring your body and the needs of your spirit/soul/innermost self. It means putting an end to doing things that drain your energy and detaching from people, who on the most basic level, make you feel bad. When you love yourself fully and completely, you can accept yourself as an imperfect being and walk with grace.
Practical ways that you can give yourself the gift of self-love are by eating nutritious foods, exercising, resting and reducing stress in your life. I know. I know. Eye roll. We hear that all of the time.
Other things you can do include; dropping or putting a pause to obligations that are too much for you at the moment and passing on encounters with people you don’t want to be around. You’re not meant for saying, “No thank you.”
You’re also not responsible for how people respond when you do what is best for you. Love is probably the most “expensive” gift of all as it requires sacrifice. Just remember that you are worth it.
As you treat yourself with these invaluable gifts, I hope that you’ll find that others around you reap the rewards of the most bright and shiny edition of you.