I recently read an article about a mom who was at the beach with her kids. She had spent many summers at this beach and knew some of the locals. A woman that was known to have Alzheimer’s approached her and asked her to take her into the water. The mom didn’t want to go into the freezing ocean but she knew it was important to the older woman.
Best Piece of Advice
When they got into the water together, the younger woman asked her for her best piece of mom advice. The woman told her to create memories with your children. It is such simple advice but when I read it, it made me cry.
The memories are what will sustain you when times are hard. They will comfort you when things seem impossible. They are also what will make you appreciate the moments when you feel loved and secure.
Superman Forever
When I think back on my life, I will remember my dad stealing my towel and yelling, “I’m Superman!” as I chased him down the beach. Saturday mornings will always make me think of me and my mom trying on fancy hats at department stores after brunch.
I will never forget Ganny, my mischievous grandma, letting me bet at the dog races when I was barely double digits and Grandma Sabins, my proper but fun grandma, riding a snowmachine for the first time. If you are wondering what a snowmachine is, you are probably from the Lower 48 and call it a snowmobile!
I will remember bowling nights with my Uncle Larry when we first moved to Alaska and my Uncle Craig letting me steer his beautiful car around the neighborhood. I will also remember my baby sister hiding in my suitcase so she could go to college with me.
Schramm Family Fun Days
We have a tradition in our home called Schramm Family Fun Days. It is all about surprising our kids and making memories as a family. On that day, we focus on each other and take a day off from our normal routine. I love waking the kids up and taunting them about what the day will hold.
They get so excited. They have no idea what is in store for them but they know we will do fun, crazy things together. It doesn’t have to be expensive but it has to be memorable.
I want them to look back at their childhood and remember the laughter, the love and the fun. We won’t ever get this time back. I want them to know they are loved beyond measure even when I am not here to remind them.
Beautiful article reminding all of us to make memories with a our family…memories that can last a lifetime and sustain us when times get tough. Time waits for no one.