Dear survival mode parent,
To anyone reading this who is currently searching for balance-
Take a deep breathe in…
Because it isn’t here, friend.
Embrace the madness.
Welcome the meltdowns.
And invest in a good pair of running shoes!
No, not for working out-
There’s obviously no time for that.
We need those running shoes for the days where you find yourself running out of work, into t-ball practice, then a “super fast” Target run, and OH SHOOT!
Don’t forget- you gotta pick up dinner, still.
Guys, we are running this season.
Survival Mode
As someone who really likes to be in control of situations, these days I keep having to remind myself that I am in “MY HUSTLE” period.
A.K.A. SURVIVAL MODE! A chapter of my life where I’ve had to learn to accept the things that I can not change, and let Baby Jesus take the wheel.
I am learning, it’s okay if the laundry isn’t completely done or if your house isn’t in perfect shape. It shows how “loved” the home is.
Our house is LOVED. You see no mess.
It’s ok to order in McDonalds for dinner. Duh, white meat chicken nuggets. (Lazy mom humor, not trying to offend any crunchy mama’s)
It’s okay if the sheets don’t match. It’s okay if you didn’t give your kids a bath last night. It’s okay if you use paper plates. It’s okay if you gained weight and you’re not in a hurry to lose it. It’s all going to be ok.
Phew! I’m already exhausted from just reading all of that.
Beautiful, Everyday Chaos
Are we surprised though? Definitely not, because this is our beautiful, everyday chaos.
And as long as everyone is alive, healthy, fed, clothed, bathed, and listened to- then we are surviving and we are also SOOO ready for bed.
Be kind to yourself, and don’t forget that EVERYONE has a pile of dirty laundry hiding somewhere. We are everyday parents.
*RELATED TOPIC: Let’s Start the Conversation- Mom Guilty*
Go Little Rockstar!