Cascia Smith
Ventura County “Mom to Know” – Meet Tara
Welcome to our Ventura County "Mom to Know" series!
We are featuring moms right here in our local community to highlight the wonderful things they are doing as mothers, business owners, community members, and friends....
The LEGO Organization that SAVED My Sanity!
If you are a parent, chances are you have LEGOS. And chances are if you have LEGOS, they are freaking EVERYWHERE! And what about all the different sets that we try to keep together...
Gerry Ranch – I’m Blue for Blueberries
There is something truly wonderful about picking your own food. And then add in picking your own food out under our warm, California sun and the cool breeze from the ocean….MAGIC! I know not...
Spring Events + Easter Fun
Beautiful flowers are blooming! The weather is getting warmer! The sun is out longer! It is time for SPRING!! We have a wonderful list of spring events and fun happening around Ventura County! We...
VCMC Rock the Park + Spring Fun
We know many Spring and Easter events and city traditions are canceled this year. There will be many things we miss a lot but here at Ventura County Mom Collective, we are ready to...
Wave Heart Surf – Spring + Summer Camps
The days are getting warmer and the sun is out longer each day! With a little wishful thinking, summer is right around the corner! The idea of those sweet summer months can make any...
Boys vs Books:: The Struggle is Real
The Battle of Boys vs Books
I have three kids-two boys and a little girl. My boys are 10 and 7, and my girl is 6. They are at the beginning of their school years,...
Ventura County Mom Collective Celebrates 1st Month of Influence
Announcing: Ventura County Mom Collective
New resource connects moms through information, insight, and events.
March 1, 2021
Ventura County, Calif.: Seeing the need to prioritize community, local mom Cascia Smith launched Ventura County Mom Collective January 13,...
I Survived On Sunny D and Bologna Sandwiches!
Gluten Free!
Plant-based Diet!
There are SO many ways to feed a kid these days! But I grew up on Sunny D every morning and Bologna Sandwiches after school. There has to be a balance, right?!
Drawing Contest + $100 Target Gift Card
We are THRILLED to have our
1st Valentine's Day Drawing Contest!
Ok moms! Get out all those crayons and coloring pencils and markers! Grab your kids and ask them to draw something they LOVE! Set them...