As someone who spent most of her life overweight, I’ve heard many, many rude comments regarding my appearance.
“You’re so pretty. If only you would lose some weight” or after dropping a few pounds hearing, “Wow! You’re not as fat anymore.”
Those words stung. But none were as harsh as the words I replayed in my head. Being overweight kept me from doing a lot of things, however, it did not have to be that way. I missed out on countless experiences and opportunities because I told myself, “That would be great, but you’re not skinny.”
Missed Opportunities
That job I wanted?
“I’d better not go for that because I don’t look the part.”
That invitation to be a guest speaker?
“I can’t have all of those people looking at my flabby body.”
That camping trip everyone is going to?
“There couldn’t possibly be enough room in the car for all of me.”
That trendy outfit that keeps popping up on your feed?
“You can’t wear that even though it does come in your size. You’d stand out way too much.”
You see, I made so many excuses (these are just a few) for why I couldn’t fully live my life because of my weight. And after I finally went from a size 18 to a healthy 8/10, I still heard that malicious voice muttering that I wasn’t enough.
Tackling the Negative Self-Talk
What did I do about it?
I fought back. I applied the lessons learned in my physical fitness training to my everyday life. Enduring challenging workouts taught me that I could handle discomfort. I could push myself to failure and be proud that I was bold enough to try.
I put myself in vulnerable situations, such as leading workouts where all eyes would be on my body and guess what? Not only did I live through it, but not one single person criticized my physique.
In fact, I was complimented on my strength and stamina whereas my thoughts had targeted insecurities about my stretch marks and excess skin.
In my experience, nobody is as cruel to you as you are to yourself. Even if you were bullied or mistreated in some way, you took that one instance and tortured yourself by playing it over and over again in your mind.
The problem was more than the remark itself. The issue was that you believed it and became a bigger jerk to yourself. Take responsibility, forgive, and move on.
The Present
To this day, I am not skinny by most standards, but I am satisfied. I am happy to be me and in a place where I can love my imperfect self wholeheartedly. I am privileged to guide others in their quest for a healthier lifestyle and love on them as well.
If I had stopped myself from a career in fitness because of those but-you’re-not-skinny thoughts, numerous people would have missed out on what I have to offer.
Chances are that if you’re holding yourself back thinking that you’re not enough, others will be robbed of the greatness that is in you, too. Actually, it’s more than a chance, it’s practically a guarantee.
One of the most insidious deceptions looming between your ears is the whisper that you are not enough- that you are not worthy.
The good news is that it’s only a whisper, my friend. You can speak more loudly from a place of love and create the life you’ve always wanted. It’s waiting for you.