November is a time when we are reminded to practice gratitude. Not only is thankfulness what we gather around the table to celebrate on Thanksgiving, but it is a practice that can benefit our lives all year round. One way to practice thankfulness is by using a gratitude journal.
Gratitude Journal
A gratitude journal focuses your energy on the present and the positive.
While contemplating what you are thankful for, it is unlikely that the challenging or depressing parts of your life will come to mind. When I think of what I am grateful for, images of my children, dog, and the sunset pop up. I am transported to a time and place where I revel in feelings of happiness and joy. It centers me on the positive and even if just for a moment, centers me in the present moment and reminds me that life is good.
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It’s a stress reliever!
Focusing on what is going right with your life, instead of what is going wrong, reduces stress. It makes you realize that the overwhelming problem that kept you up last night is much smaller in the larger scheme of your life. We realize we are doing a pretty darn good job and deserve to chill out!
Practicing gratitude can improve your personal relationships.
Taking the time to recognize and acknowledge the people in your life with sincere gratitude can be a game changer. We all like to feel appreciated. Taking a moment to thank someone you love for a small kindness or a regular task they complete in your home only takes a second, but the result can have a long-term impact. I like to send one $5 Starbucks gift card per week to someone in my life. It’s a small token, but the thought is worth far more than the cup of coffee.
It might help you sleep better.
Writing down a few things you are grateful for right before bed helps you recall the positive events of the day and naturally relaxes your body before sleep. Hopefully having positive thoughts in your head before winding down for the night will also result in a sweet dream.
It promotes clarity.
Intentionally writing down points of gratitude is often self-revealing. Taking the time to focus your thoughts on what you enjoy or appreciate may clarify the answer to a decision you struggled with or clarify what truly makes you happy. Sometimes we are so stuck in the doldrum of life that we lose our center. When we stop and take a moment to remember what is important, that nagging problem or confusing next steps may become clear. The answer you are seeking may be on the other side of gratitude.
Start a Gratitude Journal
Whatever your motivation for starting a gratitude journal, the practice will impact your life in a positive way. Taking time to appreciate the wonderful people and places around us will change not only your day, but your life.
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