I often get asked how I do it. How I’m a stay-at-home mom. How I manage 24/7. How do I get enough stimulation? 

At Home

Truth be told, for my family, we did not want a stranger raising our children. They’d spend 8-10 hours a day at daycare and we wouldn’t know what was said to our little one. We want to instill our values and beliefs in them at a young age. When I’m home with them I get to do this. Of course, we have routines, learning time, and free play too! As a family we also knew if I worked half my paycheck would be for daycare. It really saves us a ton of money! No one will ever see the true daily life of a stay at home mom. Unless you’ve gone down that road before. For everyone, this looks different.

There is no wrong or right way to be a stay-at-home parent. There is also nothing wrong with choosing to go to work. I admire women who work and come home to work more. We see you! 

RELATED TOPIC: Stay-At-Home Mom: Delusional but Delighted

Questions everywhere 

I often get asked if I get bored being home with my children as I’m not getting adult stimulation. Honestly, as if all adults are intellectually stimulating. Remind yourself why you choose this path and sparks will light again. People often look down at stay at home moms, but we have the hardest and the most important job. As a stay-at-home mom, it is important to make sure to carve time for yourself. I make time in my busy schedule to read, watch documentaries, and exercise. I constantly research childhood ideology and educate myself as much as I can. Child development is something important to me. As a stay-at-home mom, I still have passions, dreams and aspire to have my own daycare one day. Right now I choose to put a pause on myself and focus on my kids. I am fortunate enough to have the opportunity to stay-home as the cost of living rises. 

For those of you who have backlash for being a stay at home parent, remember your why. Also remember you never have to prove yourself or justify your parenting methods to anyone.

RELATED TOPIC:  To Work or Not to Work – That is the Question


Maybe it is my calling .

Maybe I want more time with my children.

Maybe I enjoy creating my own schedule and routine.

Maybe I’m passionate about teaching them. 

Maybe I’m just a mom. 

If you’re a new mom or a returning mom and on the fence trust your instinct. Being a stay-at-home mom is not for everyone. What I’ve learned is that routine early on is crucial. I have a 1-year-old and a 2-year-old that are on the same schedule. I love “Taking Cara Babies” and she gives lots of sample routines that helped me the most. 

Our Routine Sample:

7 am- Wake & free play 

8 am- Breakfast 

8:30 am- Dress 

8:45 am- Outing (outside play or a scheduled outing) 

10 am- snack- (if home) have a scheduled art or free color activity 

11 am- Lunch

11:30am-Free play

12 pm-2 pm: Nap

2:30 pm- Snack- Quiet time and book reading 

2:45-3:45 pm-Outside time/ second activity

4 pm- Start dinner and involve the kids 

5 pm- Eat

5:45 pm- Family walk

6:30 pm- Bath & PJ time 



No matter if you’re a stay-at-home mom or a working mom. You are a mom. Be kind to yourself and love yourself. As mothers, we have the hardest job. Find your village that supports you and your vision. 


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Kylah Moskowitz
Kylah Moskowitz, a mom to two girls under two. Korah, who is 2, and Karlee, who is 1. Kylah is a SAHM who enjoys being with her children and watching them grow up. When she is not busy with mom duties, she helps her husband with their small business, "Boxing for Balance". Their business provides exercise for senior citizens and people with Parkinson's Disease through a fun non-contact boxing program. Kylah has a BA in Collaborative Health and Human Service with a minor in Social Work. She is passionate about early childhood education and continues taking child development classes. Before having children, she was a preschool teacher for several years. She enjoys spending time with her family and baking. She also enjoys lying in the sun- "it is food for my soul!" Kylah grew up riding dirt bikes and camping. She hopes one day she can share those experiences with her kids. Being a young mom, Kylah feels she can contribute a lot to VCMC in many ways.


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