Cascia Smith

Cascia Smith
Cascia was born and raised in the Arizona heat. While receiving her Pre-Med degree at HIU in California, a blonde, surfing, skateboarding boy stole her heart. In 2004, she married Chuck and had many adventures living in Arizona, California and Colorado. They now call Simi Valley home and have three wild and curious children - Becker (10), Bodie (7) and Lyla (6). She has been blessed to be a teacher, summer camp staff/program director, SAHM and now the owner of Ventura County Mom Collective. Playing guitar, writing songs, and reading any and every parenting book helps keep her sane and happy! A good cup of coffee or a bubbly La Croix can usually be found in her hand! She tries to live by the motto "I'd rather recover from failure than live with regret.

When You Get Lost in Motherhood

I wish you could have met me 20 years ago.  When I was a bright eyed and carefree 20 year old. Before I got lost in motherhood.  WHO I USE TO BE Man, was I fun!...

Moms’s Afternoon Out – Watercolor & Mimosas Event

Valentine's Day is almost here and it is a great time to spend an afternoon with friends you love and also love yourself! So, let's celebrate each other! Bring your friends or come alone...

Dear Hubby: I Forgot Why I Love You

Sweet hubby, I used to send you love letters! All the time.  It was so fun to tell you all the reasons I loved you and why you were the perfect man for me. I could...

5 Screen Free Kid Activities.

Let's face it, our kids LOVE screen time! And right now with everything that is happening in the world, it is harder than ever to keep our kids from spending all their time on...

If You Give a Mom a Gift Card…

If you give a mom a gift card…. You better make sure it’s inside a card where you tell her all the amazing things you love about her.  She’ll probably hug you and hug you, until...

Inexpensive Gift ideas for the Men in Your Life

The holiday season has officially started and with that the endless to-do list of getting everything holiday ready. One of the many things to tackle is a gift list for all the special people in...
banana bread

Favorite Banana Bread + Recipe

BANANA BREAD  There are few things as comforting as smelling a loaf of banana bread baking in the oven.  So it makes sense that an entire day would be dedicate to this delicious bread! And I...
Watercolor and mimosa

Moms Morning Out – Watercolor & Mimosas

Bring your friends or come alone and leave with new friends! Gather with a group of local moms for a relaxing Moms MORNING Out! Spend a wonderful morning learning to create a one of a...

Mama, You Don’t Need A Villain in Your Life

Every great movie has a villain…an enemy of some sorts. Darth Vader Regina George The Joker Voldemort Cruella Ursula Winifred Sanderson Wicked Witch of the West Did I miss a few? Well, you get...
perseid meteor shower

Perseid Meteor Shower + Local Spots to See it

Hurry! LOOK UP! The Perseid Meteor Shower is happening now through August.  A Meteor Shower is absolutely magical! And the best part is you don't need anything to view the shower.  You can enjoy...