Katie Walker

Katie Walker
Katie was born in Seoul, S. Korea and adopted at the age of one to a sweet family in Ojai, CA. While growing up as an adoptee came with challenges, she is incredibly grateful for the gift of processing her experience through writing in hope of supporting and encouraging other adoptees and families thinking about adoption. In 2005 Katie married her best friend, Dave, and since then have had three kids - Layla (14), Eli (12) and Caleb (9). They’ve spent a lot of their family life pursuing higher education, traveling, and driving kids from one activity to another. In a normal week, you can find Katie knee deep in homework assignments, Bible study research, and catching up on all the K-Dramas - always a cup of iced coffee in hand. Reading literary fiction, walking the dog (audio book or podcast in!), and working in the garden are other ways she unwinds and stays sane. Oh, and sometimes she cooks and cleans, but now that her kids are older she benefits from their homemade pancakes and ability to wipe down a countertop.
Woman holding a Christmas gift

Lazy Girl’s Guide to Gift Giving

I love giving and receiving presents. I love finding the perfect something for that special someone. I love shopping…until I don’t. Listen, sometimes even before the hustle and bustle of the holiday season begins, I’m exhausted…tapped out…not...

Build Your Mom Team

Being a mom isn’t always easy. If you’re like me, maybe you’ve struggled over the years to find your footing, to really feel like you’re enjoying this season of motherhood, and to be the...
Woman listening

Things I Said & Needed To Hear This Week

If you're like me, sometimes it's really nice to hear how other moms engage in everyday conversations with their kids. Let's normalize the mundane, horrifying, sweet, and truly embarrassing moments we all experience on...
happy woman

10 Things I’ve Learned

Life is a series of joy and sorrow, gratitude and despair, “this is hard” and also “this is beautiful.” On the cusp of entering my forties I reminisce and hold space for the things I’ve...
Woman standing along looking out at sky

On Friendship

I Reminisce and Hope I sit with a friend and grieve with her at the loss of a relationship she has shared with someone for many years. I don’t have words of wisdom, only the...

Back to the Basics: Caring For Yourself

We sat at my parents’ house drinking coffee and mimosas, eating cinnamon rolls, and taking turns opening presents. It was our first Christmas as a married couple. I reached for a gift from my...
woman throwing fall leaves

For The Love of Another Fall

For the Love of Another Fall For last beach days and camping trips and playing video games until midnight. For the glory of sleeping in until noon and one more afternoon lounging in the sun. For...
smiling woman

On Motherhood: It Does Not Define Me

I was looking into colleges with good writing programs and I found some interesting information on a school called Harvard. Have you heard of it?” As we inch toward the high school years my husband...
mom and son playing video games

Video Games Changed My Motherhood

I’m Not A Fun Mom Admittedly I am not naturally a “fun mom.” I suffer from an overly imaginative spirit tempered by an underwhelming desire to crawl around on my hands and knees as a...
mom overwhelmed with parenting.

These Are The Days of Difficult Parenting

Parenting Is Hard These are the days of difficult parenting. This has been a difficult parenting week. Bad attitudes, tired bodies, and short tempers have taken up a lot of space in our home. Small issues...