New Year, New You! The Roman’s celebrated March 1st as the start of the New Year.  In fact, the original calendar year was only ten months.  The Latin roots are reflected in our last four months: Septem(seven), Octo(eight), Novem(nine), and...
Not What I Expected So let me start this by telling you that I am not a hiker. When I was six, my dad and uncle took me on a hike. We walked up a trail. I couldn't wait until...
Have you ever thought about trying something new, but lacked the confidence to take the plunge?  Maybe deep down inside you knew that it would make your heart sing, if you actually pulled it off? You felt the tug...
Ok, ok I know! Everyone and their sister is going to make some type of dietary/lifestyle change for the New Year.  Maybe by the time you are reading this, you have already fallen short or given up on your...

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Is it March already!! Wow! Even though this month snuck up on us, we are excited about SPRING and all things GREEN! We have...