I know ALL too well firsthand how challenging it can be to try to manage autoimmune disease while being a mom!
A Decline
Even though my health had been declining for years (IBS, recurrent UTIs, chronic tension headaches, hypothyroid, etc.), it wasn’t until I had my son over 5 years ago that symptoms started to significantly flare up. At the time, I was working full time, getting my Masters, and had a newborn who refused to nap or sleep. I also only had part time childcare. There was barely any sleep, no breaks, eating while working and studying, “rewarding” myself with wine daily, getting too much takeout, stress binge eating, and “surviving” on too much coffee to get through the day.
I was so hyper-focused on trying to balance work, school, and family, that I completely ignored how I was feeling… Until my body lost its patience with me. The symptoms that were once quietly surfacing here and there, were now screaming for my attention.
A Diagnose
I was diagnosed with Hashimotos, Sjrogrens, and Interstitial Cystitis. I hit a wall…HARD!! I was forced to slow down and start prioritizing self-care. I decided to make some serious changes to my habits and routines. It was time to put MY health and wellness first.
RELATED TOPIC: How Self-Care Saved Me
7 Strategies To Help Autoimmune Disease
Here’s a summary of what I have been doing to address the root causes of my symptoms and help prevent/manage flares with my autoimmune disease and condition:
- Focus on anti-inflammatory whole foods, mostly plants and organic.
- Identify and remove any food sensitivities (at least temporarily).
- Set aside time to prep/plan for healthy, balanced meals at home.
- Hydrate with filtered/spring water .
- Practice mindful eating.
- Significantly reduce refined sugars and processed foods.
- Minimize or cut caffeine and alcohol.
- Add in specific herbs, supplements and nutrients to help the body heal.
2. Rest
- Aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night to help increase energy and fight fatigue.
- Follow a set sleep/wake schedule.
- Create a calming bedtime routine:
- Unwind with non-caffeinated calming herbal tea (chamomile, lavender, valerian root).
- Read a relaxing book, listen to calming music, meditate, or take a warm bath.
- Create a space conducive to restful sleep:
- Try a weighted blanket, white noise machine, and/or blackout curtains.
- De-clutter & clean your bedroom.
- Cool temperature, relaxing scents (lavender).
- Turn off electronics at least 1 hour before bed & wear blue light blocking glasses.
- Soak up the sun’s rays in the morning (15-30 minutes within an hour of waking) to set your circadian rhythm and improve sleep quality.
3. Movement
- Move your body mindfully, considering how you feel physically and mentally.
- Aim to get at least 20 minutes of physical activity most days of the week.
- Walks in nature
- Yoga
- Dance
- Stretching
- Choose exercises that are enjoyable, help to manage stress, make your body feel good, and help to prevent/manage symptoms such as joint stiffness/discomfort, GI distress, anxiety, fatigue, etc.
4. Relaxation
- Practice stillness & mindfulness.
- Incorporate breathing exercises and/or meditation.
- Read an inspiring or uplifting book.
- Unplug from electronic devices.
- Discover & prioritize hobbies that rest and replenish you.
5. Detox
- Correct GI imbalances.
- Use non-toxic/clean skincare and toiletries (reference EWG & think dirty app).
- Daily bowel movements.
- Sweat regularly.
- Exercise & sauna
- Warm detox bath (epsom salt, baking soda & essential oils).
- Therapeutic massage.
- Dry brushing.
- Hydrate.
- Reduce consumption of processed foods, added sugars, alcohol, and caffeine.
6. Self Love
- Reflect on how you are feeling, what’s important to you, and let go of unwanted thoughts.
- Practice gratitude.
- Focus on what’s going right in your life and what brings you joy.
- Listen to your body.
- Take breaks often and rest when you are not feeling your best.
- Carve out time to do more of what makes you feel good .
- Hobbies, laugh, play, rest, pampering.
- Spend time with people who support, love, respect, and challenge you to be your best self.
- Set healthy boundaries.
- Be true to yourself and put your physical, emotional, and mental well-being first.
- Prioritize habits and routines that make you feel calm and relaxed.
Little Changes Add Up
As moms, it feels unnatural to put ourselves first. I TOTALLY get it! But we must treat ourselves the same way we would spoil, soothe and comfort our sick children, with gentle kindness, love, and respect. If we don’t, our bodies will continue to fight against us. We have a choice. Keep going a million miles a minute, putting bandaids on the symptoms, and fueling the fire of autoimmune disease. Or slow down, rest and nourish ourselves holistically.
Little changes add up and make a difference in how we feel with autoimmune disease. Start by adding in or replacing one habit at a time. We have the power to heal our bodies if we create the environment and have the mindset to want to put our autoimmune symptoms into remission. Take control of how you feel! I believe in you and am here to support you!