Look, I know this is the age of self-care. I know this is the era of, “stop overextending yourself” and “it’s okay to just say no”! I know we are trying to learn to “put on our oxygen masks...
We live in a world that is all about maximizing things!  We run on the idea that we need to multi-task and schedule every moment to maximize our day. The idea that if we maximize your time, you will...
After Mother’s Day, I had tried to give up social media for 6 months. But alas, I only lasted a month and a half. So why did I fall short of my goal? What prompted me to return?  The short...
Do you find it difficult not to snack after dinner? Does that quart of ice cream call your name right as you’re about to wind down and turn on your favorite show?   Been there, sister.  Been there.   More Than an Occasional Nibble I’m...

Wide Open Spaces

We all remember the timeline here in Ventura County.  Mid-March of 2020, the emergency stay-at-home order went into effect.  Since schools, businesses, shopping malls, movie theaters (and pretty much everything) was closed, many people found the only open place...
Have you ever thought about pursuing a hobby? As our lives get busier, our days can easily succumb to monotonous routine: work (or take care of kids, or both!), eat, sleep, pay bills, run errands and do chores, repeat....
Around a month ago, I decided to give up social media for six months. I felt a strong conviction that I was spending too much time on Facebook and Instagram. But I wasn’t mindlessly scrolling through my newsfeed (although...
"The mountains are calling, and I must go." - John Muir One Pedal Stroke at a Time One pedal stroke into my bike ride I'm trying to remember if I forwarded the laundry. Two pedal strokes in I'm realizing that I...
I’ve often heard that after great struggle comes great growth, and this past year exemplifies that. I finally learned about healthy habits, created goals, and strived to achieve them. Around four years ago, I suffered through postpartum depression but...
"Eat your vegetables", we've been told ever since we were wee lads and lasses yet, many of us find them far from magically delicious.  No, we don't want to eat more greens! THE DILEMMA How do we get our kids to...

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In + Around Ventura County

Family Events & Fun Things to do With Kids in Ventura...

Is it March already!! Wow! Even though this month snuck up on us, we are excited about SPRING and all things GREEN! We have...