Tag: children
Books to Read For Bullying Prevention Awareness Month
Do It With Kindness
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. The time to empower our children to stand up against bullying by challenging hate with...
Navigating the Tween and Teen Years
Does the thought of parenting your tween or teen worry you? Parenting tweens and teens can be both rewarding and challenging. As children transition...
Are You Thinking About Homeschooling?
If you asked me years ago if I would homeschool my children, I probably wouldn’t have entertained the conversation.
Badge of Honor
I once followed the...
To Work or Not to Work – That is the Question
My two-year-old sat on the kitchen floor, fiddling with a puzzle piece she couldn’t get to fit. “Damn it,” she said, calmly.
I froze, stunned.
Parenting: The Hardest Job You’ll Ever Love
At the end of every day, usually over a dinner I quickly scramble together, my husband and I ask our two girls: “What was...
Let’s Start the Conversation – Mom Guilt
Let’s get uncomfortable and start the conversation. Shall we? Let's talk about mom guilt.
Mom Guilt
I’ll go first….
When I had my beautiful daughter Faith, I...
Introduce your little one to the wonderful Spanish language.
Join us for a fun bilingual storytime and craft.
The Importance of One-On-One Time With Your Kids
Does life as a mom ever get so busy that you forget the importance of connecting with your kids? Or maybe it’s not even...
The Recipe for a Successful College Move-In Day
Beyond the twin xl sheets and mini fridge lies a mom who wants move-in day to run as seamlessly as possible. For weeks now...
Rescue Readers
During the week, our family usually feels like we’re caught up in the constant hustle and bustle of dance classes, homework and playdates, so...