Tag: mom

If You Are Perfect, We Can’t Be Mom Friends

Dear fellow mom….let me make this simple…if you are perfect, we can’t be friends. I have no room for a perfect mom friend in...

On Motherhood: It Does Not Define Me

I was looking into colleges with good writing programs and I found some interesting information on a school called Harvard. Have you heard of...

These Are The Days of Difficult Parenting

Parenting Is Hard These are the days of difficult parenting. This has been a difficult parenting week. Bad attitudes, tired bodies, and short tempers have...

Stepmother’s Day : A Day to Celebrate Stepmoms

Every family is unique and comes with its own set of experiences, relationships, thorns, and roses. This can feel especially true for blended and coparenting...

The Clothing Struggle

The Clothes Struggle There are some kids that enjoy streaking throughout the house and you have to bargain for them to put pants on before...

Set the WIN and Never WONDER

Today, more than ever before, the path of comparison is easy to find and hard to step off of.  Constant social media posts scream...

When You Get Lost in Motherhood

I wish you could have met me 20 years ago.  When I was a bright eyed and carefree 20 year old. Before I got...

What is Diastasis Recti?

If you are postpartum, you might be familiar with the term “ab separation” or “mommy pooch.” But there is an actual term for this:...

If You Give a Mom a Gift Card…

If you give a mom a gift card…. You better make sure it’s inside a card where you tell her all the amazing things you...

Coming to Terms with my Toxic Mother

I’ve always thought it’s fun to celebrate my half-birthday. I have never done anything extravagant. Just maybe buy a “treat” or choose the pricier...