As someone who spent most of her life overweight, I’ve heard many, many rude comments regarding my appearance.   “You’re so pretty.  If only you would lose some weight” or after dropping a few pounds hearing, “Wow!  You’re not as fat...
How Self-care Saved Me Inflamed, Ashamed, and Self-blamed I used to hide my chronic illnesses for fear of judgment and because I felt ashamed as if I had brought these physical problems on to myself through lifestyle choices.  Such as poor...
I’ve had a nagging cycling injury for the past two years.  It all started as what I described to my doctor as low back pain.  A pain in my "saddle" area while on the bike and some other discomfort ...
I am not opposed to winning or losing at a New Year’s Resolution.  Everyone loves a chance for a refresh.  However, I also totally understand that there are a lot of feelings around the expectations for a New Year,...

Be an Imposter Assassin

Imposter syndrome is a real thing, especially for women. Even when we earn a role (be it at work, at home, in the community – I’m talking manager, mother, organization board member..) we feel like we don’t actually live up...
Ventura County Mom Collective is thrilled to bring you our 2021 Guide to Fitness, Health + Wellness around Ventura County. Families are ready to get back to taking care of their health. Whether it be a gym membership, a personal...
I’m far-sighted.. and it’s not a good thing. Anxiety I’ve been reading about anxiety lately. The idea is that anxiety is related to the past or the future, and that to quell it, you should realize that in this moment you are...
(Trigger Warning - This article discusses rape and sexual assault.) I woke up and was sickened by what I read. I haven’t been able to shake this feeling of disbelief and sadness. The Headline The headline read “Woman on Train Raped As...

Fighting For Joy

Some days, I just want to hide.  I want to stay in bed wrapped in a blanket like a human sized burrito and escape all of my troubles.  Without fail, one of my three children will enter my bedroom...
It is a well-known fact that exercise and activity improve quality of life and longevity.  After years of working on this particular habit personally and helping others do the same, I've learned that knowing doesn't equal doing.  We KNOW...

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In + Around Ventura County

Family Events & Fun Things to do With Kids in Ventura...

Is it March already!! Wow! Even though this month snuck up on us, we are excited about SPRING and all things GREEN! We have...