I have been in the arms of a loving partner. I have been surrounded by caring family and friends. I have experienced the warm squeezes from the tiny embraces of my very own children and still felt very needy...
I wish you could have met me 20 years ago. When I was a bright eyed and carefree 20 year old. Before I got lost in motherhood.
Man, was I fun! I loved to laugh and...
If you are postpartum, you might be familiar with the term “ab separation” or “mommy pooch.” But there is an actual term for this: Diastasis Recti.
What is Diastasis Recti?
Diastasis Recti (DR) is the thinning of the linea alba, which...
Over 75% of Americans are addicted to and eat excessive amounts of sugar. We eat an absorbent amount of sugar to the tune of 180 pounds per person. Recognizing that we are addicted gives us a head start in...
We’re in the thick of the colder winter months, and this time of year staying healthy can be more challenging for some.
A Difficult Season
The chilly temperatures, rain/snow may keep us from getting in our daily walks outside. The shorter...
Winter is here and with it we enjoy many wonderful holidays and cozy traditions. But winter can also mean more sickness and health problems. There are ways to help keep you healthy during the winter though.
9 Ways to Keep...
Wondering what the heck to buy for friends and family this year? Give the Gift of Self-Care!
Whether you’re treating yourself this holiday season or looking for a unique gift idea, spend those hard earned dollars on the gift that...
What Are You Grateful for Today
Today, I am thankful for cozy blankets and heaters. It’s been so cold in the mornings. I welcome the cooler weather but, in the mornings I truly appreciate a warm blanket and heat. I...
Healthy for the Holidays
This year, I noticed that Pumpkin Spice Everything started in September, which means that the "eating season" started early this year. Each fall we are inundated with a rise in sugar everywhere we turn. From the...
You can keep it. You can keep the new kitchen appliance, fluffy bathrobe, cashmere sweater, eau de toilette or designer anything.
I appreciate the kind gesture and sentiment, but I would rather receive the kinds of gifts that you...