Tag: advice

November is the Perfect Time to Start a Gratitude Journal

November is a time when we are reminded to practice gratitude. Not only is thankfulness what we gather around the table to celebrate on...

Two Words: Believe Survivors

(Author's Note: This story discusses rape and sexual violation. Please take care of yourself and read with caution or move on to another post.) The...

Things I Said & Needed To Hear This Week

If you're like me, sometimes it's really nice to hear how other moms engage in everyday conversations with their kids. Let's normalize the mundane,...

Becoming an Author

So, people have asked why I got into writing and how I went about publishing a novel. For starters, I’ve always been a diarist. I...

10 Things I’ve Learned

Life is a series of joy and sorrow, gratitude and despair, “this is hard” and also “this is beautiful.” On the cusp of entering my...

Mom Real Talk: Letting Go of Pinterest Perfect-Induced Guilt

Have you ever tried being the perfect Pinterest, super creative and crafty mom only for it to completely fall apart and then you feel...

Fall Into Fulfilling Rituals

Ummm, what happened to Summer?! Summer has come and gone... If you’re a mom of young kids, it may feel like it flew by! It...

Simply Fall!

Simply Fall! It’s Fall. Pumpkin spice, family photos in comfy sweaters, harvest festivals, Halloween costumes and more. Fall is my absolute favorite time of year,...

5 Things NOT to Say to a Pregnant Momma

Being pregnant brings out every emotion imaginable. I struggled with a lot of stress during mine. For the most part, I still feel in...

Let’s Start the Conversation – Mom Guilt

Let’s get uncomfortable and start the conversation. Shall we? Let's talk about mom guilt. Mom Guilt I’ll go first…. When I had my beautiful daughter Faith, I...