Tag: advice

Stop Calling Kids Fat

“You should take the skin off of your chicken,” blurted one of my elementary school teachers as I crossed the street heading towards my...

Mama, You Don’t Need A Villain in Your Life

Every great movie has a villain…an enemy of some sorts. Darth Vader Regina George The Joker Voldemort Cruella Ursula Winifred Sanderson Wicked Witch...

Fire Season, Fire Service, and Fire Families

As I write this, my husband is driving in 116 degree heat through Arizona while being rerouted to a new wildfire assignment. We are 11...

Early Interventions: How They Helped My Son & Why It’s Ok...

Sometimes we get our biggest and best lessons during unexpected times. What happens when parenting takes the unexpected? You embrace it the best you...

Diets Are Dumb: Do This Instead

“Oh, my gosh!  You’ve lost so much weight.  How did you do it?”  One after another, the ladies in your circle carry on about how...

Diversify Your Bookshelves in Honor of Black Lives

I wasn’t planning to tell my 5 and 7 year olds about what happened recently in Buffalo. But a couple days after the shooting,...

To Kegel or Not To Kegel?

Many women and moms have questions about their pelvic floor health.  We have partnered with Laura Currens, DPT, PCES.  She is a Pelvic Floor...

Speaking My Truth to My Daughter

As parents our main purpose is to raise our children to be strong, independent, confident, and loving adults. Yet, we walk a thin line...

Showing Interest and Showing Up

Showing Interest and Showing Up Recently, I stood in front of a class of 6th graders at a public middle school where I was substitute...

I Don’t Want Them Thinking I Have a Favorite

After your second child, the juggling begins. It’s funny how by the time we have our second, we feel we are an old pro...