Tag: advice

Mom & A Joyful Side Hustler

What is a Side Hustle and How Does it Actually Work? Mompreneurs create their own small businesses, whether as a side hustle or as a...

I Forgive You

First, my moment of gratitude and joy for today. I am grateful for the warm sun, oh it feels so good. What are you...

5 Life Lessons from our Trip to Tanzania

There are a million articles I could write based on our recent trip to Tanzania, where we (mostly my husband) opened a lodge (his...

Set the WIN and Never WONDER

Today, more than ever before, the path of comparison is easy to find and hard to step off of.  Constant social media posts scream...

I’m Not Broken, I’m Breaking Chains

I have been in the arms of a loving partner.  I have been surrounded by caring family and friends.  I have experienced the warm...

Storytelling and Listening

Recently, I was listening to a podcast interview with a writer, and the author said to the host, “stories build connections.” It’s true. The act...

5 Perks of a Ventura County Library Card

Libraries are fundamental to our communities! Even though technology keeps getting better and many people use tech-friendly ways to read, libraries still offer an abundance...

Decluttering Tips: Be Empowered to Declutter

Do you want to feel empowered to declutter your home? I used to always wonder what other people’s homes look like. Are they also swimming in...

Social Media Use: Conscientious Considerations

Have you ever thought about how you’re using social media? As a consumer, contributor, or parent? Personally, I enjoy coming up with clever captions for...

8 Tips for Staying Healthy Naturally this Winter

We’re in the thick of the colder winter months, and this time of year staying healthy can be more challenging for some. A Difficult Season The...